My name is Kaiden Elisabeth, and you’re reading my blog, crazy isn’t it? You may be wondering what the hell is this random, average at best, girl, gonna write about? And let me tell you, the opportunities are endless.
A blog is a project I’ve been wanting to start and stuck with for a while, but I have admittedly never had the will power or time and energy to put into something that I want to be able to look back on and cherish for the rest of my life. As we speak (metaphorically) I am going through one of the most crucial, confusing, and constantly changing times of my life. I have officially entered the home stretch of high school, I’m about to turn eighteen, I have committed to play collegiate level soccer, and I’m starting to develop opinions and thoughts that are 100% my own and that are helping me to discover myself more and more each day.
I have always said I am not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of the moments right before, and I say this literally and metaphorically which I will be discussing in a post later on, but in a way what I mean by this is, I’m afraid of being old and grey and laying there, subconsciously knowing that my time is coming to an end, and in that moment not being content with the lifetime I was provided, I am mortified that when my kids ask me about my wildest stories or my favorite memories, that I will not only disappointment them with the lack of excitement but disappointment myself and create a feeling of “I’m too late”.
That’s why right now I think it’s so important to go beyond Instagram and youtube to capture my memories, I think being able to catch the way I’m feeling, and to document specific stories and memories, or feelings and emotions that I have at the time, will be so beneficial to me later in life and help me gain that sense of satisfaction in being able to go back and visually see how awesome this portion of my life is going to be, because trust me…
This is gonna be good!